Nowdays more and more people start use modern and new gadgets. This isn't bad but gadgets like: MP3 players, mobile phones, TV and game consols can cause shoulder strain, skin infection, eye strain, hearing loss or thumb arthritis. Also it can cause dependence by computer games.
Some people heal these infections and ilnesses natural medicine, for example: Garlic can help you with your immune system, you can chomped garlic to hot water with a little hony and lemon, then make some tea. By the way, tea with some honycan heal your headache, also in dark and cold winter days hot tea can warm and give you good feeling. You can also use vinegar if you minor cuts. Do you have a smelly feat? Sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes and have odour-free feet all day long. I think that people are right, use natural medicine in some situations it better than tradition medicine.
Yes, all that is so good but if you take damage from poisonous animals like: Funnel-web spider and Redblack spider- the most dangerous spiders in the world, Easter brown snake and Indian Taipan snake- the most poisonous and dangerous snakes in Australia, platypus- look so cute but it has poisonous spikes on his back legs, jellyfish or Blue Ringed octopus. In this situations natural medicine can't help you, but traditional medicine can save your life.If you have not so dangerous but very uncomfortable, you should go to the hospital and then doctor give you some medicoments, like: syrup- if you feel bad and hurt in your throat, eye drops- if you has a eye strain or if you feel pain in your eyes, painkiller- if you has a headach, antiseptic- to kill acne on your skin or doctor can make X-ray and insept your bones and joints.
But some people have illnesses which natural and traditional medicine can't cure- phobias, Phobias can be diverse and simple, like: fear thunderstorms, snakes, spiders, hight and lightnings. Or absurd, like: abannumophobia, fear of clowns, fear of lifts, fear of dark anablepophobia and many other. Simply put, phobias- this is fear in front of things that not dangerous.
Also people make up heroes whitch solve world scale problems and fight with very, very bad villains. Heroes can be very diverse, like: Superman, Spider-man, Green lanter and many others. and all them became very important part of world culture.
Some people heal these infections and ilnesses natural medicine, for example: Garlic can help you with your immune system, you can chomped garlic to hot water with a little hony and lemon, then make some tea. By the way, tea with some honycan heal your headache, also in dark and cold winter days hot tea can warm and give you good feeling. You can also use vinegar if you minor cuts. Do you have a smelly feat? Sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes and have odour-free feet all day long. I think that people are right, use natural medicine in some situations it better than tradition medicine.
Yes, all that is so good but if you take damage from poisonous animals like: Funnel-web spider and Redblack spider- the most dangerous spiders in the world, Easter brown snake and Indian Taipan snake- the most poisonous and dangerous snakes in Australia, platypus- look so cute but it has poisonous spikes on his back legs, jellyfish or Blue Ringed octopus. In this situations natural medicine can't help you, but traditional medicine can save your life.If you have not so dangerous but very uncomfortable, you should go to the hospital and then doctor give you some medicoments, like: syrup- if you feel bad and hurt in your throat, eye drops- if you has a eye strain or if you feel pain in your eyes, painkiller- if you has a headach, antiseptic- to kill acne on your skin or doctor can make X-ray and insept your bones and joints.
But some people have illnesses which natural and traditional medicine can't cure- phobias, Phobias can be diverse and simple, like: fear thunderstorms, snakes, spiders, hight and lightnings. Or absurd, like: abannumophobia, fear of clowns, fear of lifts, fear of dark anablepophobia and many other. Simply put, phobias- this is fear in front of things that not dangerous.
Also people make up heroes whitch solve world scale problems and fight with very, very bad villains. Heroes can be very diverse, like: Superman, Spider-man, Green lanter and many others. and all them became very important part of world culture.