понедельник, 5 октября 2015 г.

Work and play.

There are many diferent jobs in the world, and all them are very interesting. For example: firefighter- this is very dengerous and resposible job, because you put up dangerous fire and save people lives. Artist- this is very creative job, you can paint diferent pictures, it's fun! Or judge- this is demanding and well-paid job, you're getting big moneys because you apply the law in court.
All jobs are very diferent and interesting but jobs can be distributed on hobby. For example: UFO hunting it's very interesting hobby. Thousands of people see strange objects in the sky all over the world. Most of these are planes or meteors- but what about the rest? We use cameras, telescopes and other devices. Then we analyse the information on our laptops.
Also jobs can be distributed on summer jobs for students. For example: Many students looking for part time and for that suitable camp counsellors- this is easy, well-pain and fun summer job, you can organise sports, games and spend time outdoors. Or interships- this is job can be low-paid, but it's great experience in student's chosen profession.
At summer you can also activities extreme sports. there are many extreme sports ilke: mountain biking, white-water rafting, motocross or deep diving. Deep diving it's strength test where are you dive into the sea. For example: Sara Campbell takes a final deep breath and dives into the sea. She's presen she's TV show. She's always trains and expects to beat a new record.

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