4th June 2016
5 house,2nd Mebelniy pereulok,Chelabinsk,Russia
Dear Mary,
Hi Mary, I`m very glad to know that you went abroad during your summer holidays too! I`m very enjoy my summer holidays, it was very grate, I`m went to New-York , it`s very beautiful city. In New-York I visit the most popular places in: Brooklyn bridge, Statue of Liberty and China-Town. The most impressive place was Statue of Liberty, that huge statue that store memories of thousands people, about old times.
And I want to ask a questions for you about your plans for next summer:
First question: Where did you go to the next summer? I want to know where you will have a rest at next summer.
Second question: With who youm you go to the summer holidays?
And third question: When did you go to the holidays, I need exact date.
Arkhipov Mikhail
Thank`s for reading.
5 house,2nd Mebelniy pereulok,Chelabinsk,Russia
Dear Mary,
Hi Mary, I`m very glad to know that you went abroad during your summer holidays too! I`m very enjoy my summer holidays, it was very grate, I`m went to New-York , it`s very beautiful city. In New-York I visit the most popular places in: Brooklyn bridge, Statue of Liberty and China-Town. The most impressive place was Statue of Liberty, that huge statue that store memories of thousands people, about old times.
And I want to ask a questions for you about your plans for next summer:
First question: Where did you go to the next summer? I want to know where you will have a rest at next summer.
Second question: With who youm you go to the summer holidays?
And third question: When did you go to the holidays, I need exact date.
Arkhipov Mikhail
Thank`s for reading.
Миша, видно, что ты стараешься - молодец! Дата и адрес пишется справа. В начале письма нужно поблагодарить за ее письмо тебе. Грамматика хромает - пропускаешь артикль "а"; когда говоришь о воспоминаниях - все глаголы в прошедшем времени, New York и China Town пишутся без дефиса. Проверяй орфографию в словаре (дома ведь делаешь).Не нужно пронумеровывать вопросы - спрашивай более неформально. Где концовка письма, как в образце? В целом хорошо!