воскресенье, 19 февраля 2017 г.


 All we live on Earth, on planet with stable ecosystem. But now our home in danger, becouse people pollute earth and water by pouring waste water, release harmful greenhouse gases into atmosphere, they cut down whole forests of trees and then build mines, roads, factories, oil wells and houses. We need to do something to stop that colossal pollution, becouse people destroying our ecosystem, our planet. Only deforestation destroying hundreds of plants and animals types.
 At first we should know that we can`t influence on big companies that produce the most popular and competitive products, but we can gradually encourage people to help our planet. For example use recycle products, plant plants to replace some of lost, we can help or donate companies and organisations that help nature in bigger scale and also we can create our organisations to help nature if you have a lot of mony.

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